Tuesday, March 10, 2009

2nd Test Scores

For my second set of tests I was a bit nervous to find out what I earned. I was worried about it all weekend. Then Monday came along First class went by and then it was off to my second class (the one I took the tests in). Mrs. Caldwell Handed back our tests as soon as class started. When I looked at the theory, I got a 100 and then I looked at the terminology and it was another perfect 100. I was definitely relieved. My goal to be on the dean's list is still going strong. :)
As for other news, the YSA activities are going great and Institute is definatley still a knowlege builder. I'm very excited for this friday though, because there is a dance and some of my friends and I are dressing up in 50's attire. I've already gotten a circle skirt and scarf for the outfit.
Today after school I'm going to a doctor's appointment to get a large bump on the back of my head checked out. It's been causing some really bad headaches, and I rarely get just a headache. Most of the time it's migranes. Hopefully all goes well in that department.
Well that's all for now. I'll write again tomorrow.

1 comment:

Lindberg Family said...

Sounds like things are going great for you Heather! Congrats on the test scores.