Wednesday, February 25, 2009

School Officially Starts

Well... I've Officially started school! It's been great so far and I love my teachers. These ones seem happy to be teaching for a change. My first class is to learn how to operate the front office. That includes keyboarding, Scheduling and all the legal stuff that goes into a medical office. My second class is Medical theory. It's about the actual sicknesses and how you get them. After that is Medical Lab, and that is the real fun stuff. It's all hands on and we practice the procedures on each other. Not mannequins. Then its off to Medical Spelling and terminology. How to decode/ spell medical words and stuff like that.
We've already started learning how to take vital signs, Decode vocabulary and the cycle of transmission of diseases.
Well Im doing this on a school computer so I'm going to get off now. I'll try to write again soon.

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